My color schemed entry has been bugging me for a while now. And it wasn’t just any color scheme… the same maroon/orange/yellow/green I had going on in my kitchen for the longest time. What was I thinking? Okay, I know a couple friends and family thought I was crazy. Sometimes that means I’m doing something edgy, or at least unique and unexpected. Not so much this time. It got old fast the latest T-Swift song (except for Trouble, that one never gets old).
Well recently I have made strides to overcome this most undesirably outdated scheme. Or schemes in general, really. I like the vintage, colorful, anything-goes, free-flowing carefree style now. I’ve made changes in the kitchen, though I’m not sharing yet because I’m contemplating further changes still.
But I have the entry pretty much where I want it. I made a couple recent changes, adding to some accessories in there that I still love. The Entry got (half) repainted, a chalkboard wall, a new rug, some new linens on the door and the cabinet doors… and so far, I’m loving it so much better.
I’m not going to hurt your eyes with the before pictures. But here are the after shots…

That old tennis racket is supposed to have a mirror in it like in this pin, but I called a local glass shop and they said it would be $60. Um, must keep looking, I guess.

When we get some nice weather that little window will get trim in the style of the door trim. It is really bothering me! I wish I could do every window in the house. And the floorboards. And crown molding. :/
I blogged a long time ago about the buffet, which is an old Ikea craigslist find, painted with Annie Sloan Chalk Paint in “Old Ochre” and clear wax. I distressed it quite a bit because I knew it would take a beating. It has. And it’s taken it well.

Yes we have a BB gun hanging in our entry. I need it handy because I am an avid hunter of neighbor dogs that poop in my yard.
And that farmhouse in the picture is my DREAM farmhouse. Simple. White. Plain. Symmetrical windows. <3

I usually have a little doodle on the chalkboard wall on the left hand side, but the other day I got crazy and wrote out my favorite Bible verse all over the whole wall. It takes people a long time to read it when they walk in – it’s a little awkward. But writing this verse was my initial idea when I did the chalkboard wall based on this pin. So it’s there for now.

The plate arrangement needs more colors! I’m hunting!

I’m loving the buffet now with these flour sacks in the doors (hiding my canned and surplus goods, onions and potatoes). Plain, dark maroon used to line those windows, and it was so dark and drab. I love the subtle vintage lettering on these flour sacks. They were a Farm Chicks find last year.

The glass jars in the background hold gardening gloves, twine, labels and sharpies and seeds, for grabbing on my way out the door on the rare sunny day when I get a chance to work outside.

I made the door curtain from a vintage queen-sized sheet. I used the top trimmed edge of the sheet as the bottom edge of the curtain, and made the curtain the full width of the sheet, so it is very full and fluffy when it’s not pulled back to the side. The tie back is simply a piece of neutral twill ribbon (saved from some packaging), the center is literally tacked to the door, so it’s always easy to grab and tie. Works for now.

They key hanger was another Farm Chicks find from last year. Actually I suppose it is not called a key hanger… I don’t really know what it is supposed to be. But it’s useful and old and chippy and I love it.

The numbers over the door (more numbers and letters for sale in my shop) are actually going outside above the door after we paint the house white this summer. At that time I may repaint the dark green in this room to be a medium gray (between the chalkboard wall and the wall color) and either carry that onto the outside of the door (which is dark green) or I may do just the outside of the door a nice dandelion yellow. But either way I have to wait for warmer weather, so I have some time to decide. Good thing; I obviously need it.

So that’s about it. A quick freshen up.
I think the only things to source are:
Rug: World Market, on sale for $64 with coupon
Annie Sloan Chalk Paint: in Old Ochre $40 for a quart (which will cover multiple furniture projects)
Have you freshened up any rooms lately? Or is do you have a room in dire need of a freshen up?