Friday, August 23, 2013

roundup { diy flower headbands }

a looooong time ago, before my trip to cali, when I photographed this little sweetie pie, I made some headbands.

true story.

and I couldn’t share them with you back then because they were a surprise for the little miss and her mama.  and they have been in my blog photo folder ever since.  needing to be shared.

and now they are shared…






After I pinned these ideas, it took some digging around to find tutorials, free tutorials, good tutorials… you how it goes when you pin something, buy the stuff, and then realize it’s not actually a tutorial.  Yeah.

So left to right, here are the tutorials I pieced together to create these beauties…

1.  Giant rose: this was the inspiration ($10 for tutorial), this was closest free tutorial I could find

2.  Tiny bow (my own creation), made of lace trim, hot glued onto the headband

3. & 4.  Felt flower headband tutorial (how to make the headband portion and also gives age/sizes for headbands)

5.  Felt flower tutorial (they made theirs into clips / I put mine on headbands)

6.  Pinwheel tutorial (it’s for paper but I used the process with felt)

So there you have it.  If any tiny girl people in your life need some pretty hair things… well, now you have no excuse.  =)  And if you want to check out my photoshoot here, you will see some of the headbands on my baby homegirl. 


Have a blessed day!

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