
Friday, February 18, 2011

lamp love


So, the hint photo you saw for the mystery item at the end of the thriftaholic post was this old wooden tripod…


It caught my eye in the thrift store because Pottery Barn used to sell a tripod lamp (I think it was in the $200-$400 range), and Target carried a knock-off for a while (I think it was around $70-$80 plus the shade).  I always liked them but I never put up the bucks to get one, and missed out, until now…



A lamp kit from Home Depot (and a little trip to the garage for some epoxy action to keep it in place)…



And a high-end looking shade from Tarjay…



And wa-lah!   I am so thrilled with this little corner of my world.


And Target has a lot of cheap lamp shades but I am super happy with this one.  They nailed the linen texture and the oatmeal colored trim is a very nice finish.


As for the bottom line:

$15 bickered to $10 tripod + $10 lamp kit + $25 shade =

$45 for an amazing lamp that would have cost me loads more at Pottery Barn or even Target!  I have serious issues finding any lamp that I like, but right now I am experiencing lamp love for the first time, people.

By the way, would you all go check out the flea market at the Evergreen State Fairgrounds for me this weekend!?  (on that link, it looks like it is Friday only but keep scrolling – it is Saturday, too).  It kills me, but I can’t make it and heard good things about it last time they had it. 

Peace Out,



  1. I really love this lamp. Nice work.

  2. This is AWESOME! I now want to keep my eyes out for a tripod! (wink)
