stopping by the blog real quick to share some recent thrift store finds…

A cool tea tin which I immediately put some mother’s day tulips in. Love it. $0.69.
A vintage red metal Swingline stapler, which I needed. $1.99.

A crocheted blanket in colors that don’t totally “go” in my room but it was huge and heavy and so pretty I couldn’t pass it up. $6.99.

Yes. I finally scored a vintage typewriter. You may have seen it in the new blog header.
I saw it the day before for $34.99 because it was “collectible”.
I said no.
I kept remembering it.
I had some spending money stashed.
I decided I would call and see if they still had it.
They did.
They held it for an hour.
I raced in and started bargaining.
Then the lady told me it was already 50% off because it had been there for a while.
Seriously! Got it for about $17.00! The identical one is on Etsy for $200.00 in a shop that sells a lot of vintage typewriters. Granted mine has a crack in the front, but still, worth every penny of $17.00.
In homestead news…
We had a couple chickens which are fully grown but had gotten beaten up as chicks and were still growing tail feathers back and had not started laying along with the healthier chicks. Apparently two of them decided to start laying on the same day…

I always get a kick out of deformed eggs. So odd. Not you? Oh, sorry, I’ll try to keep it to a minimum here on the blog. I’ll limit myself to one egg post a month. You’re welcome. =)
By the way the white egg is a fake one that we keep in the nest to encourage the hens to lay their eggs there instead of all around the pasture. It seems to work. One of the hens is trying really hard to hatch that egg every day. Okay, I’m done now for reals.
In bigger country news, we saw a bear today! Our friend’s daughter said, “Whoa! A bear just came to our house and then left!” At first, I digested this as a tall tale, and then decided it was random enough it might just be true, and sure enough, a little black bear was zig zagging across the driveway and then back onto the road. I ran to get my camera, but when I returned he had already ran into the woods.
I alarmed the kids by going outside to try to find him…

They were a little worried.
I explained in highly technical terms that white bears are really super mean, brown bears are sometimes mean, but black bears are always scared. Unless they have babies, I guess I should have added that.
Now Susie keeps yelling, “MOM! A BEAR IS COMING!” every five minutes.
Time for homeschool. We’re on letter “X” trying to finish the sounds of all the letters before breaking for summer.
I need more tea.