Thursday, November 10, 2011



Last weekend the hubby went out of town with the kids to do some tree work at my mom’s.  I couldn’t go because I had to work on Saturday.  But on Sunday, I had the kid-less opportunity to go to my friend’s rowing race.  I think it is called a ‘regatta’.

Anyway, it was one of those days I was not feeling so creative and I wondered if I should just leave the camera in the car.  I had told Sara I would take pictures though, and their usual photographer was not there, so I toughed it out.  And I’m glad I did.  I got home and was actually happy with some of the pictures…


Those are canoes, not the kind of boats my friend was racing, but I thought they were neat all lined up in the morning sun.  UW apparently rents them out.

Anyway, it wasn’t long after sunrise when the first teams started making their way down the lake, warming up on their way toward the starting line, and with the fog still lingering it was very dreamy…




The views were lovely.  We even got to see the Montlake bridge draw up…

 DSC_0747 Photo_CAC0636A-4DD4-A106-7D06-C487B0772497 (1)

The bridge drew up for two boats that didn’t even look that tall, and caused a big delay in the race starts… after some waiting, Sara and Rebecca finally raced past!…





We were along a narrow channel and that was the only part of the race we could really see.  Then we went and met them where they docked after the finish…


They ended up taking second, and would have placed first if not for a boat that was not following the rules of passing/getting passed.  Good job ladies!

It was a fun, relaxing day for me, hanging out with friends on the beautiful UW campus and it was nice to break out of my normal routine.  Again, nice job Sara and Rebecca!

1 comment:

  1. Awesome pic's I really like pic. 1,3 and 4 :)
